Archive for April, 2009

In honor Of Dasy

April 6, 2009

Her Name was Dasy. She was a beautiful blonde with big brown eyes.  And she was Marcus’ best friend.  She came into his life at a crucial time, showering him with unconditional love, helping him cope and recover from the most grueling experience anyone could ever imagine.

And they shot her.  Dead.   Four teens in Texas thought it would be fun to ride the roads and kill at random.  And they shot Dasy.

Now this just fuels the already burning flame of the left who believe in taking away our second amendment right to bear arms,  saying if they outlaw guns that Dasy would still be alive.  Really??  Do they think that people like these four care if guns are legal or not?  Do they really believe that these cowards who took a 357 and rode around and shot and killed Dasy at random who have not done it because having a gun would be illegal?  If they had any respect for the law,  Daisy would still be alive.  Trust me, scum like this can and will get guns – even if all guns were outlawed.

If Dasy had a gun, things might have ended different.  But she was alone….and they knew she was unarmed. 

Marcus’ mother stated that this is the very reason why we need to keep and uphold our second amendment rights.  So that law abiding citizens can defend themselves against thugs like Alfonzo Hernandez, Micheal Edmonds and their two companions.

When Marcus heard the shots, he rushed out and found her dead….and the four punks just laughing about it.  After a high speed chase Marcus with Law enforcement caught up with them.  Two are charged and one Micheal Edmonds is still on the run as of this writing.  The other two are not charged.  If convicted they face two years. The charge – Animal Cruelty

See, Dasy didn’t have a chance.  And could not have had a gun.  Daiy was a beautiful yellow Lab – A Therapy dog – given to Marcus Luttrell – The Lone Survivor – A Navy Seal who was the only survivor of one of the most bloodiest battles in Navy Seal History in Afganistan  But Dasy was more than a pet…more than a working dog…..she was his best friend.  And all the laws in the world could not have prevented this senseless act… But Marcus with his legal and registered gun could have.

Note: Dasy was named in honor of Marcus’ Fallen team members that died in that battle that only he survived.  If you believe in the right to keep and bear arms, to protect yourself from thugs like the ones that murdered Daisy, I urge to join the NRA.  Free one Trial memberships are now available.

Note: Edmonds has since turned himself into authorities.   And a special thank-you goes out to Glenn Beck  for reporting this story and to  P.E.T.A.  for posting a $5000 bounty on Edmonds while he was running.

Welcome To The American Renagade!

April 3, 2009

American RenagadeHello!   And Welcome to The American Renagade! 

This is just going to be a place for me to give you some insight to my views of the way things are taking place in America and the world today.  I am just an American Girl…who is Proud of this country, but sadden to see the turns it is taking.   I am a staunch supporter of our Troops, being the daughter of a WWII vet, the wife of a Vietnam vet, the “adopted Mom” to an Air Force vet, and the Aunt to one who is in Iraq now.   I am also a 912er, who believes in the 9 Principles and 12 values that our country needs to start standing for and on again.

Well… you know where I stand and what to expect here.  You may not always agree with me….nor I with you….but thank God we live in an country where we can still voice our opinion……for now anyway.

More to come…… Renagade

America Is Having Another Tea Party…And YOU Are Invited!

April 3, 2009


There has been an ongoing discussion at my house over the Tea Parties that have been springing up all over the country. The discussion has been about just how relevant are they and what will they accomplish. Like the first Tea Party…they hold a symbolic meaning…but unlike the first Tea Party, they do not have the economic impact that it did.

As everyone (I hope) knows, the first Tea Party was the beginning of what truly formed the USA. It was a blow to England economically, due to the taxes on the Tea was a big part of their monetary hold on the colonies. BUT, the Tea Party was also the colonists way of sending the clear message: Taxation Without Representation will NOT be tolerated.

Now the Tea Parties of today are NOT having the same Economic impact. BUT the symbolic impact is the same. To use a more “modern” phrase… “We are Mad As Hell, And Are Not Taking It Anymore!”


Will Washington take notice??? To be honest…who knows? But only through public awareness and joining together will the Tea Parties and the 912 project movement rattle them. If you live close enough to join into one…do so! If not, maybe start one in YOUR town. You can also show your support to the cause by writing blogs, word of mouth, writing letters to your newspaper, Congressmen and Senators, Watching Glenn Beck on Fox News (Awesome!), or checking out Glenn Beck’s site and signing up for his newsletter, and joining in on conversations on the vast network of supporter websites, such as You can even show the world you Support the Tea Parties and The 912 Project with customized tea party event T-Shirts from United . (Great way to go to your Tea Party Event in Style!)


There is so many ways YOU can send that message….so get going, check out the sites, and remember….one voice may not be heard….but a chorus of thousands of voices will be….. You are NOT alone.